Friday, September 7, 2012

About Me

1.) What is your computer experience?
    Self-taught PC user
2.) What is your experience with Photoshop and Illustrator, if any?
    Use Photoshop mostly for cropping and layering for animation. No Illustrator experience.
3.) I am an animation major and this is one of the basic classes. In addition, I wish to learn more about software with which I am unfamiliar.
4.) Stephen Hillenburg.
5.) H.R. Giger.
6.) I'm a huge science fiction fan and a huge fan of the Alien and Predator franchises.
7.) One day, I was sitting in my little sister's bedroom looking through her music collection. I noticed all of these teeny bopper artists who have been catapulted to fame. "I don't understand," I said to her.
 "What don't you understand?"
"These people have no talent, they just write generic lyrics that have no meaning. I can do this, so why aren't I so rich and famous?"
"Because you didn't do this." 

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